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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Power management problem
Charles   2001-05-31 21:52
I have recently and successfully installed a second monitor and adding a PCI Radeon card.

All works brilliantly, it does everything it says on the box!

However - I cannot wake up the monitors after they close down on power save. I have to push the reset button and I lose everything I left running on the desktop.

Any ideas?

ÐJ_PLãT!NµM   2001-07-02 20:28
grrrr, yeah
somewhere my computer is set to turn the monitors off after 15 minutes but I can't find it anywhere, i'm sure it used to be in the advanced power management selection, if it was it doesn't seem to be anymore...

the annoyin' thing is that when it turns both the monitors off and then turn back on, on a mouse move etc. only the primary monitor turns back on to be in the windows environment and the second monitor appears to be disabled but in the display properties it is still activated and you can't change it and I have to reboot my 'puter to get 'em both working together again.

Paul   2001-07-30 10:32
What version of Windows you guys running?
I suggest Windows 2000.
dolby   2004-12-30 21:13
I have some problem, I would be very grateful if someone can help:

Have following HW:

- 1x LCD on AGP card (primary monitor)
- 1x CRT monitor on a PCI card

AThe problem is sometimes it happends that the secondary (CRT monitor) blacks out.. something like it turnos off and then on again. It happens in some appplications.. or randomly If I suddenly move the mouse from LCD to CRT.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Power management problem

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