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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Making a presentation series move to different screens
Paul Biles   2005-07-14 10:18
I'm looking for suggestions for how to make a PowerPoint presentation move around to appear on different screens. I have 5 projectors using Ultra Mon, and I want for example slide 1 to display on all the screens, then maybe slide 2 on screen 1 only, then slide 3 on screens 2,3,4, etc.
Any suggestions?

Paul Biles
tsilb   2005-07-14 13:26
Yeah, run a few ppt instances and time it really well.
Paul Biles   2005-07-19 07:50
My, what a clever and insightful solution.... (;>}

Paul Biles
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Making a presentation series move to different screens

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