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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Synergy - Review and podcast
Slackmaster K   2005-07-15 12:28
This is IDXT's first video podcast, in which we cover a new application called Synergy. Synergy allows you to share keyboard and mouse inputs over a network in a seamless manner that doesn't use app windows. With Synergy, a side computer's monitor connects virtually next to another monitor. Your mouse travels freeley between the two machines in such a way that the keyboard and mouse connected to the client (extra) machine are no longer neccessary except for troubleshooting and starting up the app. Synergy allows you to work in a fullscreen app on one computer while multitasking to another task on a
different system. Video length: 09:34, 49.9 MB

[Blog | Podcast | Synergy Download ]

Slackmaster K
President, IDXT Computing
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Synergy - Review and podcast

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