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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multimonitor edge blending
JoeT   2005-07-18 10:25
Hello folks.

Have an old problem here that keeps being solved then coming up again. in a different form.

I'm running a multi-projector multimedia show that the user cues to start. It runs then sits until the user cues it to start again. Thats all good. The bad part is that the Quadro FX 1100 it's running on slows down when it's edge blending feature is turned on. The video in question is 1600X600 and really doesn't need the slowdown from the blending.

I used to pre-blend all the video before preparing it for the application that runs the segements. (a Macromedia Director shell that plays multiple videos) Frankly that is inconvenient, quite so if there needs to be changes on a particular video or segment. I really do like the blending the driver adds because of it's "after the fact" usability.

Anyone know of any method to do edge blending via a third party application that works with rock solid stability?

What do I mean with edge blending? Well I have two projectors each displaying one half of my image/video's. They overlap in the middle and this area need to blend together so it isn't extremely bright in one area.

I've concidered Watchout but extraordinarily expensive propritary formats make me a little nervous on buying into.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multimonitor edge blending

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