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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gaming Lag...
Fox   2005-07-19 10:23
I've got a Toshiba Satellite laptop with a Trinitron Monitor [CRT] as my secondary... Works fine, though the CRT is a bit blurry (I could use advice on that, too.) The only problem is that when I try to play a full screen game on my main laptop LCD (in this case, it's Battlefield 2, which is pretty abusive on my video card) I get -horrible- framerates as opposed to a single monitor setup. The thing is, I don't -need- to use my second monitor while playing the game, so is there a way I can 'fairly' quickly disable the dual-monitor setup while I play the game and then pop it back on when I'm through? That'd be great! I'm using an Nvidia Geforce go5200 complete with NView (which I love) and the "Omega" custom drivers (which are the only reason I can even play games like BF2... long live Omega!) Thanks.

Deam   2005-07-24 03:46
Well, with Ultramon, you can setup a shortcut I believe to disable and enable the monitors using hotkeys.
iLL_WiLL   2005-08-21 04:06
Yes, having secondary monitors active during games is known to degrade performance. You should always disable them prior to firing up your games. I use a scripting utility called AutoIt to disable my secondary displays as well as end uneeded running processes to boost performance, fire up gaming utilities such as my Nostromo load out manager and launch the game. Available here -
Seahorse   2005-08-21 08:16
Better still, use a powerful enough PC and don't shut anything down at all...

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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gaming Lag...

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