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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> mulitiple windows
Joe   2005-07-20 07:33
I have a PC at work set-up with Ultramon but when I open Outlook 2000 on the #2 monitor it will stay
Then when I open a e/mail to read it it shoots and opens on monitor #1. Is there a way to configure Outlook or other programs like IE to open secondary windows on the same monitor as the main program was opened?
Thanks for any tips

Joe S
Christian Studer   2005-07-20 08:05
UltraMon doesn't support this, but most applications will remember the position of the window, and open it in the same location again.

The following works fine with Outlook 2003: open a mail and move it to monitor 2, then close it. The next time you open a mail, it will open on monitor 2.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> mulitiple windows

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