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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gaming issues with second card installed (and monitors disabled)
Deam   2005-07-24 03:48
I would like to know if anyone else has trouble with games and gaming benchmarks when having a second card installed.

I have a PCI-E XFX 6600gt, and an EVGA FX5200PCI. Whether or not the monitor on the FX5200PCI is enabled, in 3Dmark 2005, the second game test will either go at .01 FPS, or crash out. If I disable the 5200 in the bios, it works fine. I also notice some errors in rendering.

Another issue I have is that sometimes, games will just start to chug randomly at low framerates. This is with a 6600gt and P4 530J at 4ghz...
doanster   2005-08-03 01:13
"Chugging slowly" is usually an indicator of a thermal problem, where the chip (either CPU or GPU) automatically underclocks itself to prevent heat damage.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gaming issues with second card installed (and monitors disabled)

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