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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> span across 3 monitors
ninjabiscuits   2005-07-27 22:17

I am new to multi-monitors and have a question for you. I have set up a triple monitor display and the desktop spans across all three monitors which is what I want. I am creating a flash movie that I want to span across all 3 monitors in full screen mode. The movie spans across the three screens but I do not want any toolbars, windows etc. to be displayed. Is there an application I can download to help me with this?

Any help is greatly appreciated

Slackmaster K   2005-08-01 18:35
One of two possibilities. 1, you can try using Virtual Desktop, which is a pain to set up, especially if you don't want it to be permanent. Another way is to setup a PowerPoint presentation with embedded content, or view it in a web browser and go full-screen. Some will allow you to disable toolbars and such via the options menus.

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Slackmaster K   2005-08-01 18:36
Well, that sig didn't work too well, let's try again...

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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> span across 3 monitors

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