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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two monitors + TV
Emmanuel   2005-07-29 20:52
Just wondering, I currently have two monitors attached to my graphics card which is a Galaxy 6600GT. Will Ultramon allow me to hook up a TV to the card so that I can use all 3?

ECarlson   2005-07-30 13:12

- Eric,
Curve   2005-08-06 05:59
Why it would be really handy if you could do this :)
ECarlson   2005-08-06 10:46
The card is only capable of generating 2 unique video signals.

Some people, with some cards (or maybe it's only one person with one card, and I don't remember what card they used), was able to get the TV out to work as a clone of one of the VGA outputs to drive all 3 at the same time, but since TV is low resolution, the VGA output, which was outputing the same thing as the TV output, was at a low resolution too.

So, if you want to have the TV out be the same as one of the VGA outs, and have that VGA out be low-res, there is a small possibility that it would work.

You won't ever get 3 different things being displayed at the same time with that card (see first sentence).

- Eric,
CitrusXtr   2005-09-07 07:14
You just have to add another video card (PCI this time) and hook up ur second pc monitor to it. Leave the TV and Main monitor to ur 6600GT for some gaming goodness... that's what I do at my house, and it's uber awesome! ^_-

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two monitors + TV

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