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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual monitors working as singles ?
Andy   2005-08-03 03:55
i dont know how to explain this in a title but heres what im trying to do

video card: nvidia geforce fx5200

dual monitors enabled main monitor is pc monitor second monitor is my tv. it works prety well for moving things over to it when i need some space but theres more things i would like to try out but the only thing hindering me is that the monitors are not exactly seperate if you know what i mean, for instance if im playing a game in fullscreen i move my mouse over to the other monitor to do somthing and when i click on anything on the other monitor it minimizes the game on my main monitor

it does this for everything else, for somthing that is in focus on my main monitor it loses focus the second i click on the second monitor

trying to get the monitors to work independtly as seperate desktops but not if you catch my drift

reason is i can open up video settings for my main monitor to change the brightnes because my game doesnt look right without changing it but im trying to do this through monitor 2 while the game is in progress and i can see the changes take effect right away.

thank you

Eric   2005-08-10 03:18
Did you enable DualView in the GEForce 5200 settings? I am also assuming you rebooted after installing the second monitor?

Geek Dev
Andy   2005-09-02 08:30
yes its dual view, and rebotting doesnt help it appears to be the norm for this sort of thing
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual monitors working as singles ?

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