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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> changing width of smart taskbar buttons
tex   2005-08-03 11:35
I have changed the width of my normal taskbar buttons via HKCU/control panel/desktop/windowmetrics/minwidth , but the smart taskbar button width do not change. how do I change them?
Christian Studer   2005-08-04 07:29
UltraMon currently doesn't support this setting, I'll consider adding support for this in a future release.

Christian Studer -
EvaUnit02   2009-01-06 18:53
Has this been implemented, yet?
Christian Studer   2009-01-07 09:22
Yes, support for this was added in 3.0.1.

Christian Studer -
EvaUnit02   2009-01-09 07:31
Excellent. Unforunately, I notice if the taskbar is double height and my WindowMetrics MinWidth value is set to the entire width of bar, the buttons resize themselves across both rows of the taskbar in such a manner that disallows me from reorganizing them with Taskbar Shuffle v2.5.
Christian Studer   2009-01-09 10:56
This works fine for me (I tested on Vista), make sure you turn Taskbar Shuffle off and on again after restarting the Smart Taskbar, otherwise it will no longer work with the UltraMon taskbar.

Christian Studer -
EvaUnit02   2009-01-10 10:56
Ah, yes. Thanks for the tip. Works fine, now.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> changing width of smart taskbar buttons

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