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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Magnify Screens for Low Vision in Ultramon
WWW111   2005-08-05 14:46
I have a vision problem of detached retinas. I am using six multiple monitors. I found a Free Screen Magnify 2 Program. This program will run on my primary monitor in a multiple monitor system, but it will not run on the entire ultramon multiple monitor system. I am interested in finding a magnifying program that will increase magnifying levels from 1.0 to 2.0 for larger and more confortable vision. I have tried increasing the DPI Setting (110%, 115%, 120%) but it crowds everyting off the screen. I found a program called EasyRead that allows me to zoom in and out on any internet web page, however it does not work outside of the web. Programs such as Big Shot will only work on a single monitor, and their support department is not interested in a multiple moniotor system at this time. I wrote the developer of Free Screen Magify 2, and he will provide the source code for anyone interested in developing this program to work on a multiple monitor system. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, please let me know. Thank you. WWW!!!
Christian Studer   2005-08-05 22:03
Have you already tried the Magnifier tool included with Windows? This seems to work fine with multiple monitors, magnification works on secondary monitors and you can also move the magnifier window to a secondary monitor. The application is under Start Menu > Programs > Accessories > Accessibility.

Regarding the DPI setting: I would recommend trying large fonts (120 DPI, 125%). I use this on my main system, works fine. There are a few applications which don't work correctly with this setting, but most applications should be fine.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Magnify Screens for Low Vision in Ultramon

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