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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitors Game
Mysti   2005-08-08 13:33
I was wondering how to set this up if possible. I want to play a Game on one monitor, then set the other monitor to surf the net? When i start my game, the internet window on the other monitor goes half way off the screen, and there is no mouse. I set up a hotkey to make a mouse go onto my second monitor but it doesn't work. I can minimize my game, then surf.. but was hoping i could do it this way.
eScenCe   2005-08-17 08:03
I got excact the same Problem.

Maybe someone will see it when I push it up.
Mangyrat   2005-08-19 02:19
i have run in to this also start a game and its half on the other monitor. im thinking its the refresh rate changeing for the game. so try this hunt a program called refreshlock and start it befor you start your game. "i would test it for you but right now i have no games installed"
now as for the hotkey to make your mouse go to the other monitor i dont think thats gona work at all while your in a game. if it goes to the 2nd monitor lets say with browser open and you click its gona lose focus and crash the game.
if you get it working please post how you did it.
Zardoz   2005-09-06 06:01
The best way to do this is run the game in window mode... As for running the game in full screen, you cant do that and also be able to get to other monitor...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitors Game

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