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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Wallpaper Changer
Felix_man   2005-08-11 17:09
Love UltraMon can't live with out it to be honest. I was browsing through all the wallpaper combos I have saved... and I thought I should create an addon for UltraMon that would cycle through my saved wallpapers at a user set time frame, that way I could have a fresh wallpaper every 6 hours or so...

Then I remembered, I am not a programmer...

So I though I would come to the forum and see if any smart people agree and want to build it.

What do ya think big thinkers is it worth the time?

Tantalus   2005-08-12 04:41
>>So I though I would come to the forum and see if any smart people agree and want to build it.

i'll agree that i don't want to spend the time to build it. :-D

actually, there's nothing proprietary about the ultramon wallpaper. when you create multi-monitor wallpapers under ultramon, all the proggie does is 'stitch' them together into 1 image file.

i haven't tried it but i would think any ordinary wallpaper changer will work and change it after a certaininterval like you want it. the only thing you'd lose is the ability to 'manage' the wallpapers under ultramon.
Christian Studer   2005-08-12 09:30
What Tantalus mentioned should work fine, another option would be to use the ChangeWallpaper script to switch to the next wallpaper.

It would also be possible to modify the script to automatically change the wallpaper every 6 hours, let me know if you would be interested in this.

A wallpaper changer will be considered for UltraMon 3.

Christian Studer -
Tantalus   2005-08-13 11:18
>>It would also be possible to modify the script to automatically change the wallpaper every 6 hours, let me know if you would be interested in this.

sounds interesting...i'd like to see it.
Christian Studer   2005-08-14 09:17
I have uploaded a new script which does this: ChangeWallpaperAuto

Christian Studer -
Jason   2009-10-19 06:34
Any thought to using a directory and randomly changing wallpaper?
Christian Studer   2009-10-19 08:36
Support for this will be considered for a future release.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Wallpaper Changer

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