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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How do I display same movie on BOTH Screens
JuMz   2005-08-12 07:56
The topic pretty much sums up my question. I am using an Ati Radeon x800 pro...Powerdvd or Windvd to play the movie...Windows XP Sp2 with Ultramon 2.6 full version...newest drivers from ATI as of August 1st, 2005.

JuMz   2005-08-18 06:24

Psy   2005-08-31 17:34
Mirorring, I think.
Andy C   2005-11-25 08:40
John   2005-11-26 08:53
In the video settings of "catalyst controll center" you can change the "thearter mode". Play around with those settings.
Tony   2005-11-28 00:33
I agree w/ Andy to use VideoLAN as I know that will get you going. Basically the best results are achieved when you use the clone filter and turn "Use Video Overlay" off. You'll find a plethora of options under "Tools" and "Preferences...". Make sure "Show Advanced Options" is checked to make sure all options are exposed.
BenG   2005-12-01 00:24
In the windows monitor setup, you couylc chnage the display setting to show the same screen on both monitors.
So rather than an extended desktop you just have the same display on both monitors.

Not sure if this is what you are after?
Zardoz   2005-12-01 17:03
You can also turn off the video overlay...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How do I display same movie on BOTH Screens

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