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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Excel 2003 issue...
Steve   2005-08-15 09:49
When I right click an excel icon on the taskbar on my second monitor, the menu appears and then instantly disappears. Is there a workaround for this?

Christian Studer   2005-08-15 22:19
I can't reproduce this issue, works fine for me with Excel 2003 and UltraMon 2.6.

Another user had reported the same problem, but for him it suddenly worked fine again. Unfortunately we never found out what caused the problem.

Christian Studer -
Vaughn   2009-04-07 00:57
I have this same issue with your latest non beta release

Christian Studer   2009-04-07 08:25
I still can't reproduce this issue, testing was done on 32-bit Vista with Excel 2003 and UltraMon 3.0.4.

If you're currently using 2.7.1, I would recommend giving the 3.0 beta a try.

Christian Studer -
Alex G.   2010-01-04 22:56
Sorry for digging up an older topic, but I'm receiving the same error.
Running Windows XP SP3 32bit.

I'm using the UltraMon Version 2.7.1.

The Right-Click Menu of the Icons in the second taskbar disappears immediatly when right-clicking any excelsheet whether its opened with Excel 2003 or Excel 2007.

Another issue that I discovered is the problem that if you have multiple excel-books open at the same time and want to switch to another (without minimizing it, just switching) the workbook in the front minimizes inside excel itself.

Hope you can help.

Thanks and regards,

Alex G.   2010-01-04 22:59
Sorry to double-post. I've forgotten to add that if you have multiple workbooks opened and switch one to the other monitor, all of them switch to the other monitor. It's a strange behavior because at my computer at home (running windows XP SP3 and the same ultra-mon version), the problem seems not to be present.

Christian Studer   2010-01-05 08:49
I can't tell you anything new regarding this issue (wasn't able to reproduce the problem).

Switching between multiple spreadsheets by clicking the associated task button works fine for me, but I'm aware of an issue where the spreadsheet gets minimized (instead of the main Excel window) if you click on the active spreadsheet's task button to minimize it. I'll look into this for a later release, not sure though if there's a fix for this.

Excel opens all spreadsheets in the same main window, for this reason all spreadsheets get moved if you move the main Excel window. To be able to have each spreadsheet on a different monitor you would need to open multiple Excel instances manually (via Start Menu > Run).

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Excel 2003 issue...

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