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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Launch Screen Saver
Johnny   2005-08-17 21:00
I want to have an eay way to launch my screen saver (using a desktop icon). All of the desktop icons I use to start the screen saver work fine, but when i move my mouse to come back to the computer, the password protection screen doesnt show up.

The only way that it does show up is if i right click on the ultramon icon near the clock and go screensaver > launch. is there any way to make a desktop shortcut to do this, instead of the mouse clicks?
Johnny   2005-08-17 21:09
i cant edit the above post, so I'll do it in a reply :)

I just wanted to add, thanks to anyone who replies. I appreciate any help and didnt mean to sounds bossy. hope to see some ideas soon. =]
Christian Studer   2005-08-18 10:08
UltraMon doesn't support launching the screen saver via a shortcut, but you could launch it either with a hotkey or by double-clicking the UltraMon icon in the system tray.

To assign a hotkey for launching the screen saver, go to UltraMon Options > Hotkeys.

You can change the default double-click action under Options > Customization.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Launch Screen Saver

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