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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitor Problem.... 3rd Monitor stuck at 640x480
Nonsuch   2001-06-04 09:55
Hi all....

I can't seem to change the display size on my 3rd monitor, it's stuck at 640x480 and I know it will do up to 2046x1536, the display sizing slider just wont budge. Funny thing is, the less powerful cards can change no prob. Any ideas why? Your help will be appreciated. Here's my setup....

Windows 98se
Intel PIII 733/512 Ram
Abit SH6 815i
No IRQ Conflicts
Display 1 = Onboard Intel AGP
Display 2 = ATI 3DXperession PC2TV 4Meg PCI
Display 3 = 3Dfx Voodoo3 2000 16 Meg PCI(the one stuck at 640x480)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitor Problem.... 3rd Monitor stuck at 640x480

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