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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Does this even work?
NetVamp   2005-08-17 22:53
Last week as I was working in the house and I had to clean out some rooms and while I was doing that I found my old 17" CRT, so I thought I get myself a DVI to VGA Adapter so I can use it with my Geforce3, well that didnt work I found out that my Geforce3 only supports 1 monitor, or it does only Clone the Image but if it clones the image, the picture gets a little darker, so i figured I needed a second PCI graphiccard.
So I managed to buy a cheap Matrox Millenium II, I'm not sure how much ram it has, the seller wasn't sure, but that doesnt matter, it has propably 4MB.
Well I dont have it yet, I'll get it in the evening, but I wanted to ask in advance if that works like I want it to.

Im using WinXP
My primary card is a Geforce3 Ti200, I have a 19" CRT Monitor attached to it.
Later I want to put in the MilleniumII PCI card, I already found drivers for WinXP.
No I want to do stuff for example like watching a Movie on my primary card while surfing on the oterh monitor, I guess this will work, right?
Now Im interessted in UltraMon, what can it do to enhance the work with two monitors in my case?


Sorry for the rather bad english, Im german.
Tantalus   2005-08-18 00:13
yes, the millenium II card should work with your primary.

imo, the millenium II is the one of better older card pci cards that is very compatible and installs without any fuss in many systems. i have that same card installed in at least 5 of my own systems (3 of them are multi-display) and they work perfectly.

if you're running XP or w2k3, you should use the microsoft XP drivers and avoid the ones from the matrox site.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Does this even work?

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