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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How do i detect monitor is physicaly connected or not
Nils   2005-08-23 16:09
I Have a CPU which can handle dual monitor. i have 2 monitors and i am using Windows XP.
now initially lets assume that i have connected both the monitors and applied the settings from OS as per my requirement and it works fine.
but sometime what happens my OS configuration is same (means for dual monitor) but i dont have seond monitor , means somehow seconf monitor is not physically attached to the system. but OS still have the knowledge of dual monitor.

Can i detect programatically that monitor is attached (physically connected) or not?

Any help will be appreciated.

Tantalus   2005-08-24 00:18
you would probably get a better and more detailed answer over at a forum that caters to programmers and developers.

with the exception of christian studer, author of ultramon, the rest of the 'regulars' here are more oriented towards answering questions on the hardware side of things. anything beyond simple scripting is probably going to just draw a blank look from us.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How do i detect monitor is physicaly connected or not

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