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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 9 monitors
Statyk   2005-08-25 02:24
Hi, I am new to running multiple monitors and am wondering if anyone knows of a solution to running 9 monitors that will all have the same display from one pc. The purpose is for displaying a single powerpoint slideshow simultaneously on all 9 monitors from a pc.


Statyk   2005-08-25 02:34
Looking at previous messages I saw this link
which I think can help point me in the right direction.

Tantalus   2005-08-25 05:27
the card used in that configuration is very expensive and assuming you could get all 3 of them to work in your configuration, it still wouldn't do what you need it to do. additionally, i'm not ever sure if the matrox cloning utility will clone the same image to 3 separate cards, not to mention that performance-wise, it wouldn't be very fast.

the simplest and cheapest way to get all 9 displays to show the same image(s) is to purchase a multi-port video splitter.

ps. the author of that link is grossly worng. he couldn't possisble have 84gb of ram on that motherboard, much less the fact that win2000 doesn't support that much memory.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 9 monitors

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