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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Moving mouse between different size monitors
hennie gottenbos   2005-08-30 20:24
I have one 1024x768 and one 1600x1200 monitor. Moving my mouse between these monitors is not very intuitive (no matter how I position them relative to each other in the Display settings).

I believe it would be very nice if UltraMon could change the mouse position when the mouse leaves one monitor to go to the next. The mouse position would be changed proportionately so it stays in more or less the same area of the monitor. So if I move my mouse from my 'big' monitor to my 'small' monitor while it is near the tasbar at the bottom, it will also be near the task bar on the small monitor.

I can use Display settings to have the bottoms of the monitors aligned so I can get the above scenario to work. But in that case it does not work when moving my mouse when I am near the top of the big monitor.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Moving mouse between different size monitors

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