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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> framerate slows across 3 monitors
NinjaB   2005-08-31 03:23

I have a flash swf that is 2880 x 800. The movie spreads across 3 monitors. When I play the movie on one monitor the speed of the animations is correct but when i spread it across the 3 monitors, the animations play a lot slower.

Can anyone help me get my animations to play at the correct speed?
I don't think it is a problem with the file size? I think its a problem with the fact that it is spread across 3 monitors. Do I need a more powerful PC or a new graphics driver?

Please help!

Rainwulf   2005-09-02 17:08
you need a more powerful PC.
It uses software smoothing which is hard on the cpu.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> framerate slows across 3 monitors

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