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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Aligning 2 moniters
Sean   2005-08-31 13:59
I have two monitors set up running of a ATI x800xt, one is hooked up thru the DVI the other the VGA. When I drag a window from one screen to the other the picture isn't alined, it will look like it has a step in it instead of looking like a continuous window. The monitors are the same Dell 2405 running the same rez 1900x1220 and are phsyically even with eachother but they don't seem to match up on screen. Is there a way to fix this?

Thanks for all the help
ECarlson   2005-09-01 12:33
Sounds like they are either at different resolutions (they should both be at native resolution), or they are misaligned in Display Properties. I suspect the later, so go to Display Properties, and line up the pictures of the 2 monitors. Let us know if that fixes it.

- Eric,
Sean   2005-09-01 14:02
your a genius,it was misaligned in the display properties. I didn't even know it would let me adjust them like that. Now it looks perfect thanks for the help.
Mark   2005-09-01 22:19
Same issue here, I had no idea you could line up monitors on the setting page!

ECarlson   2005-09-02 14:54
Glad it worked. You can even swap places, arrange the monitors diagonally, or vertically in Display Properties.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Aligning 2 moniters

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