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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dualhead with 2 desktop sizes and 2 resolutions
Dave Sealey   2005-09-05 14:27
can the following be achieved ? any examples of cards and software that have worked ?

if i set a resolution of 1200x1024 on the primary display, the desktop is sized to 1200x1024 and fits on the screen.

if i set the resolution on the secondary display to 800x600, what happens is the desktop is still sized as if it was 1200x1024 pixels wide and high, but you only see 800x600 of it on the screen (you can pan around the screen to look at all of the desktop), everything on the screen is still sized proportionally as if to fit on the 1200x1024 desktop.

what i was hoping was that when the second screen resolution was set to 800x600, the desktop would be sized to 800x600 and i could see the affect on the objects on the screen, for example whether a screen wide button bar on 1200x1024 automatically resized itself (buttons and all) to fit within the smaller desktop or/and how the button bar looked if the button size was static and they wrapped around onto a new line.

dave sealey
Zardoz   2005-09-06 05:42
What video hardware are you using?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dualhead with 2 desktop sizes and 2 resolutions

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