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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gaming in RTS games, cursor moving out of bounds.
CitrusXtr   2005-09-07 06:55
Hi! I use 3 monitors at once. here's a little ascii drawing:


what happens when I play on my Dell monitor with the game Act of War ( Reel time strategy ) is that I can move my mouse out of the game to my TV or Sony monitor... which sucks. >_<

Any ways of limiting the area of the mouse to one monitor only?

brb, I'm in a c++ class right now!

Christian Studer   2005-09-07 07:14
You can do this with UltraMon (via hotkey) or with MouseJail.

Christian Studer -
CitrusXtr   2005-09-07 07:16
TY Christian! I'll try it out...

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gaming in RTS games, cursor moving out of bounds.

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