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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Any work-around to make multiple instances of Media Player 10?
Tom   2005-09-08 17:35

That would really be nice for my setup... playing different videos at the same time would be a must, but it seems I can only do it by opening a video file inside IE of FireFox... and it's great pain.

...Thanks for helping! :)

Tom   2005-09-14 12:02
Try using mplayer2.exe, it should be in c:/program files/windows media player/
That will allow you to do multiple instances,
but it may be tricky to get them all to go fullscreen at once.
Slackmaster K   2005-09-15 13:30
Use WinAmp. It allows multiple instances and lets you go full-screen on one monitor while you work normally in the others. If you use it to play video while playing a full-screen game, make sure WinAmp is to the LEFT of your game.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Any work-around to make multiple instances of Media Player 10?

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