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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Few questions and Help with 19" computer screen and 45" Plasma
MvTvC   2005-09-13 20:19
Hello all,
I am curious about the resolution sizing. I am going to hookup my desktop to my Plasma which is 45" I already have the 2nd video card I want to use, but my real questions is I know i can extend my screen to it, just how do I make it in the 16.9 widescreen format to fit the whole screen? I am going to use this equipment here at cables to go to reach the distance I need.

In case you cannot click on it go to and part number search is #0VS22002 also there is a remote unit needed. But anyways can I and how. Has anyone had expierence with this type of setup? PLease let me know at

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Few questions and Help with 19" computer screen and 45" Plasma

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