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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multi monitor spanning up and down
Craig   2005-09-15 16:39
I have an ATI All-in-wonder card and have 2 monitors hooked up to it. Everything works great I can do everything I need to do except 1 thing, I want to be able to span up and down instead of right and left. I have one monitor mounted above the other and would like to move the mouse up and down instead of right to left.
I know this can be done, because at work we have a 6 screen set up that used to work that way until someone reformated the pc, and now the same thing is occuring there. what is the solution?
Christian Studer   2005-09-16 00:06
You can do this in regular multi-monitor mode, just go to Display Properties > Settings and change the monitor arrangement so that the monitors are stacked vertically.

ATI's span mode, where Windows only recognizes a single monitor, only supports horizontal span.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multi monitor spanning up and down

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