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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PCI G450 DVI and AGP GeForce4 MX 440 Troubles
vsnet   2005-09-16 09:23
Initial setup:

Dell GX270
AGP: GeForce4 MX 440
PCI: Mystique PCI
Ultramon 2.6

Decided to add a Matrox PCI G450 DVI/VGA to the mix. XP found the card on boot up and I fed it the latest drivers (5.95.5). Everything appeared fine, of course I wouldn't be posting if nothing exciting happened.

Accessing the Settings tab in the Display control panel produced the same error mentioned in this thread.

Uninstalling both the G450 and GeForce4 and installing the G450 first (in safe mode, recommended by Matrox) brought the G450 to life but mostly killed the GeForce4. It shows up in the display control panel but is limited to 640x480 with 4-bit color (the sliders have no other options, monitor is set correctly), not too useful. Tried both the latest drivers from Nvidia and the standard set from Dell with no change.

Three monitors are now hooked into the two Matrox cards (DVI/VGA, VGA) with a one hitch, the G450 is listed in dxdiag as having no Direct3D capabilities. Any tips on this or how to recover the GeForce appreciated.
zima   2005-10-18 21:48
Sorry, I don't have answer to your main question, but when it comes to no D3D for G450 - the latest G-series drivers remove hardware 3D acceleration, they're 2D only (made basically for G550 PCIe). Use 5.93 if you want 3D, you won't miss anything (the only thing added was support for G550 PCIe...)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PCI G450 DVI and AGP GeForce4 MX 440 Troubles

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