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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> three monitors: PCIe + PCI = bsod
theo   2005-09-17 08:38
i have a nvidia 6800gt running 2x dvi 2001fp (dell 20"lcds)

i tried to add xfx geforcefx5200 pci to run 1x analog NEC lt260k projector

the 6800gt and the dells have worked for almost a year not problems (thanks ultramon!) when i added the second video card my computer loaded, fine i loaded the drivers for the new video card(fx5200) it was recognized, and then restarted. got to windows loading screen and then BSOD...several times.

i then removed the fx5200 and powered on. got to the windows loading...BSOD. started in safe mode re-installed the drivers for the 6800gt and now everything works as good as it did, before i did anything...but i still have no second video card (fx5200 PCI).

what can i do to make both cards work?
theo   2005-09-17 16:53
found a driver from nvidia that worked for both cards

and it works yay!
Tominator   2005-09-23 03:25
Could you tell me what drivers did you install to get both your cards up and running? I have a similar setup and experience bsod maybe 8 out of 10 times trying to load winxp. When I finally manage to boot to windows everything works OK. I use the latest official forcewares and have my pci card as primary.

-GF6800 AGP
-GF5200 PCI
-Viewsonic 30" DVI, Panasonic PT500AE DVI
-Benq 19" analog
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> three monitors: PCIe + PCI = bsod

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