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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mirroring
Jim Herold   2005-09-26 08:46
I'd like to setup a machine to mirror monitor 1 on monitor 2 not matter the user and set it up to either start at login, or even as a system service that starts at boot. Anyone know if this is possible, or how I'd go about accomplishing it?
ECarlson   2005-09-26 14:06
You can either use a VGA splitter device so both monitors are always getting the same signal, or it should work with an ordinary dual-output video card if you set the card to mirror mode via the video card's own software.

- Eric,
Jim Herold   2005-09-27 01:07
Thanks! I was trying to avoid spending money on another video card though, since I have spares on the shelf.

I have no problem getting the cards mirrored through UltraMon, I was just hoping to force it at boot/login for any user. Should I take this to mean it can't be done?
Christian Studer   2005-09-27 08:36
Running mirroring before a user has logged in won't work, but using the same mirroring configuration for each user is possible, see this thread for details.

To start mirroring automatically, go to mirror settings > Options and check 'start mirroring automatically'.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mirroring

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