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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Remote Desktop and Multiple Monitors?
John Karyan   2005-09-27 01:53
Can you use rdesktop/mstsc (windows remote desktop) to get access to both your remote monitors?

(So, if my own machine has 2 monitors, and I'm somewhere else, also with 2 monitors, is there anyway I can use remote desktop to access both monitors remotely)?
Christian Studer   2005-09-27 08:31
Remote Desktop doesn't support this, you'll always only get a single monitor.

Some remote control applications have multi-monitor support, for example pcAnywhere and some versions of VNC.

Christian Studer -
ECarlson   2005-10-01 06:29
Remote Desktop doesn't even use the remote computer's monitors. It creates it's own virtual monitor, and you can make that virtual monitor various sizes up to the full-screen size of your local monitor.

For example, the computer I remote into has 2 monitors at 1024x768, while my main local monitor is 1280x1024 (secondary is 1024x768). I currently have the Remote Desktop window set at 1152x864 (greater than one of the remote monitors, but less than my primary local monitor) when connecting to that remote computer.

I haven't tried it in local Span mode, but I would guess that you could set the resolution of the window all the way up to the complete spanned size of the local "monitor".

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Remote Desktop and Multiple Monitors?

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