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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Radeon 9800 - Monitor and TV - Can clone but not extend.
John   2005-09-29 23:58
Hi. I can turn the TV on using the ATI advanced options on the primary monitor and this gives a clone of the primary monitor (my actual monitor). I can't enable or attach the TV as a scondary display or extend my desktop to it though. The TV just goes black with a few flickers and scratches. How can I get it to extend the desktop to the TV?

It worked before but I didnt do anything of note, I just restarted and it happened to work but now I can't get it to work.

Any ideas?

ECarlson   2005-10-01 06:38
What res is the TV out set to? Try 640x480 if nothing else works.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Radeon 9800 - Monitor and TV - Can clone but not extend.

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