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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Help running 4 monitors
Kolonel   2005-09-30 00:37
I am currently running dual nvidia 7800 gtxs on my pc and am having a problem running 4 monitors. After disabling the SLI, I can only get 3 monitors to work. When I boot up with the forth monitor plugged in, all 4 screens go blank and I have to reboot. When I plug the forth monitor in after I have booted up, it will only allow me to make the forth monitor a clone or a horizontal/vertical span - the dualview option doesnt exist which is what my primary video card is configured with and works properly. Has anyone run into a situation like this before? Any ideas as to how to resolove this issue would be most appreciated. Thank for you time.
Kolonel   2005-09-30 04:24

I installed and reinstalled the 2nd video card and was able to get 4 monitors running smoothly. The problem remains, however, that when i reboot with the 4 monitors, the screen still goes blank after the "starting up windows screen". Therefore, whenever I want 4 monitors I have to uninstall and reinstall the 2nd video card...somewhat annoying...Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Help running 4 monitors

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