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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Writing a display program that offers the user a choice of mointors
Maurice Cahm   2005-10-07 20:02
I have a simple program (called scrolling results) that displays bridge club results. Some clubs have a note book with an internal monitor and an external monitor. They want to show the scrolling results on the external monitor and, at present, do so by using the Windows extended desktop and moving the scrolling results window to the right hand side (ie the external mintor).

For some people this is too complicated. So, what I'm looking for is the functionality provided by PowerPoint / Set up show / Multiple monitors / Use secondary monitor.

Scrolling results is a simple VB program.

Can anyone offer me basic advice as to how I can enhance this program to offer the same functionality as PowerPoint / Use secondary monitor?

Thanks in advance.

Some more details on

BridgeMate Pro

Maurice Cahm
Maurice Cahm   2005-10-07 20:06
Sorry about the incorrect spellings

The correct url is

Bridgemate Pro


Maurice Cahm
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Writing a display program that offers the user a choice of mointors

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