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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Software to re-align windows when resolution changes
Hodgepodge   2005-10-11 18:59

I have been using a two monitor setup on my Windows system for a while now, and one thing is constantly annoying me: When an application (for example a game) changes the resolution on the primary monitor (located on the left side of the secondary monitor), all the application windows I have on the seconday monitor move around, sometimes outside the screen. For example I keep the task manager at the very right side of the secondary monitor, and when the primary monitor resolution changes from 1456x1092 to 1024x768, the whole task manager window is left outside the visible desktop area.

So I was wondering if anyone would know a software that could watch for resolution changes and re-align the windows on the seconday monitor to match the new layout? It would be very helpful for me...
Christian Studer   2005-10-11 23:56
I'm not aware of any application which does this, but there are several other workarounds for this issue, see Secondary screen shifts when playing game for details.

Christian Studer -
zima   2005-10-18 21:38
Well, I do know one solution...but it's a feature of Matrox drivers (and on top of that, I'm sure that it exists only in G-series drivers) - it saves/restores window positions. So probably not interesting to you, since you've mentioned gaming.
I wonder if it'll work on every display with simply one, ANY, pci Matrox graphics card in the system...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Software to re-align windows when resolution changes

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