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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Uninstall, Reinstall of monitor two creates "code 10" and black screen
Tellito   2001-06-12 14:19
I recently changed to Win2k Pro. Everything installed nicely but had some problems with sound conflicts and uninstalled the second monitor in troubleshooting. Upon reinstall, device driver reports video card with (!) but doesn't show the second monitor anywhere in device drivers or display properties. Windows troubleshooting suggestions are fruitless. Updating driver is a vicious circle, result: no change. What do I do?
I am running an Athlon 1 Gig with 768MB ram, S3 Savage 4 is 19" primary's reported video card with 32 MB; the second for the fourteen inch is a SiS 6326 8MB pci. I have a really stacked system with specialized sound cards, printer, scanner, burner, CD rom, Palm, wireless mouse, midi hookups and DVcard. The guys who installed my Win2K probably updated the main video driver but don't remember where they found it, if that is even the problem. I realize that it is #2 that is not working. Maybe someone else has been there and knows what I should do. Thank you.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Uninstall, Reinstall of monitor two creates "code 10" and black screen

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