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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> S3 Trio32/64 PCI not working with Radeon 9700 Pro
Zack   2005-10-12 16:38
Do any of you know how I can force it to acquire an IRQ, etc.?
XP reports it as functioning but unable to start. It's in PCI Slot 5
Zack   2005-10-13 08:41
Any info, things to try, would be good. The Radeon is AGP, the Trio PCI. I've tried enabling/disabling it, and it still reports the Trio as 'unable to start'.
The Radeon 9700 Pro reports both primary and secondary as fine - indeed I'm using them both right now.
The BIOS allows initialization on PCI or AGP. Should I turn initialization on AGP off?
ECarlson   2005-10-13 09:04
You have to set the PCI to initialize first in the BIOS for that card to work.

- Eric,
Zack   2005-10-13 09:53
Thanks, I tried that. However, with all three monitors going, it freezes just as the taskbar is loading. It happens every time I've tried.
I'm guessing that this is due, in part, to the Trio being primary.
Is there any way of forcing the Trio to be 3rd?
Zack   2005-10-13 11:33
Actually, could it be that the Radeon video card driver is interfering?
I think I'll try disabling everything in msconfig and see what happens.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> S3 Trio32/64 PCI not working with Radeon 9700 Pro

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