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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mixing Nvidia and ATI cards
1000   2005-10-12 23:32
Hi all. I've just upgraded my rig. I used to have a ATI x800 and a PCI 9200se in the system.

Now I have a nvidia 7800gtx and the PCI 9200se.

The problem is that I can't seem to get the ATI driver up and firing to run my second display now. The nvidia driver is fine.. AOK.. but when I try to install the ATI driver everything appears to go OK, then when I reboot I get a message at startup stating that the driver can't start the control panel etc and the driver is automatically disabled.

I know this card combo should work.. any tips ?

Bryan   2005-10-13 07:16
This is the same problem i got besides i got a NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 420 and a ATI Radeon 9250 and i get that same message. When i took out the GF4 i didnt get that message but ya i also couldnt use two video cards. I need a Multi-Moniter genius to come and tell me what is happending and why i cant get both of my video cards to co-exesist and run different things.
Seahorse   2005-10-13 08:02
In the vast majority of cases mixing nVidia & ATIs fail. Armed with that information...

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
1000   2005-10-14 23:19
Well, I persisted.

This combo CAN and DOES work.

I did two things:

1. Installed older cats.. the 4.6 series. I recalled that I found the 4.6 to be a very stable driver in the past.

2. I installed the cats, rebooted, go the "control panel" error, UNINSTALLED the ATI control panel (left the driver in there) and rebooted..... PRESTO!!

One problem.. I can't display DVD on the secondary. I'm still experimenting. xvid files on my drive play just find in Media Player, but not DVDs in either WMP or PowerDVD. I'll figure it out eventually.

Richard   2005-10-18 16:36
i've come across that problem before, but i've never had a problem by uninstalling both drivers, and installing the Nvidia first, then the ATi
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mixing Nvidia and ATI cards

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