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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Moving out of fullscreen to other monitor?
David   2005-10-13 10:46
How do I move out of a fullscreen DirectX application I'm running on one monitor to another?

I've tried using the "Move to next monitor" hotkey, but that doesn't work...

Jacky   2005-10-13 10:59
I am pretty sure that full-screen applications have to be played in your primary monitor.
David   2005-10-13 11:07
Yes, but how do I move the mouse out of that application and to my secondary monitor so I can check EMail, etc. while the game is running in full-screen on the first?
Richard   2005-10-18 16:13
generally you alt + tab

with direct X games, your mouse is locked to the game screen.

in OGL it can be, but is most often not, but clicking outside of your game window causes problems.
Waetfo   2005-11-14 14:42
Well in the Beta Ultramon section, a guy said how he made a script for cs, which needed it to be played in a window, but the monitors res automatically changed when you opened cs. So basically it crops the screen to just smaller than the windowed games res, and automatically changes it back when you finish. The same could be achieved by making a hotkey to load a profile, with a slightly lower res than the game you are playing in a window.
Crow   2005-11-14 23:45
"The same could be achieved by making a hotkey to load a profile, with a slightly lower res than the game you are playing in a window."

Well, not exactly, because there is still the window around the game. The game resulotion matches monitor resolution, but the window has to be moved so none of the bar and boarders is visible (-3/-22 for me).
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Moving out of fullscreen to other monitor?

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