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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 screen 1 movie
adriana   2005-10-14 12:12
How can I set up my nVIDIA 6600 to see movie bouth on TV and monitor?
I've tried clone view, but it doesen't work; I can see desktop on the bouth, but when I play movie the TV doesn't show it!
Josh   2005-10-15 06:05
It's a limitation of most video's. The ycan only do video play back on one monitor at a time. I believe if you turn off HW accelration entirely it would then allow video playback on multiple monitors. But I'm not sure. Even if it does work it would slow things down a lot.
Christian Studer   2005-10-15 08:06
One thing you could do is enable video mirroring on the Nvidia tab under advanced display properties.

This only works if the video player uses video overlays (most do).

Christian Studer -
squeakyL   2005-10-16 01:53
any idea how to do this with an ATI card?
I have an ATI X800XT and would also wish to stretch movies over both screens if possible.
zeroyon   2005-10-23 19:55
I have a question too that is relevant to this topic...

My video card is a nvidia 6600GT APG with s-video/hdtv/vivo, and i can get a video (.avi) running on both a TV using s-video and my monitor at the same time by changing hardware acceleration to none in WMP's properties. It works in both clone mode and in stretch mode. The problem is though, when i change the video to play fullscreen, it only plays in one screen, or doesnt play in either screen. I tried changing my screen resolutions to match the video resolutions too, but this doesn't help.

Any suggestions?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 screen 1 movie

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