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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Will 7800gtx PCI-E and 5200 PCI work ?
1000   2005-10-17 21:42
Hi all.

I posted previously regarding mixing a 7800gtx with an ati 9200 PCI. I had some sucess in getting the displays working together by disabling the ATI control panel. Desktop is fine as is xvid etc on the 9200 PCI as secondary... but I cannot get digital TV or DVD to work on the secondary.

So I am planning to get a new Nvidia 5200 PCI to run as secondary. WIll the combo of 7800gtx PCI-E as primary and 5200 PCI as secondary work OK ?

I want to be able to drag powerdvd, digital TV etc to the 5200 secondary and have it display just like my old x800 and 9200 combo did.

Will this work OK ?


Richard   2005-10-18 13:03
i'm having no problems with a 9200 and a 5200 PCI

as for your problem with the 7800? and the 9200

i had a simmilar problem, but i solved it by uninstalling both drivers, and installing the Nvidia drivers first, and the ATi second.

all functions are operable
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Will 7800gtx PCI-E and 5200 PCI work ?

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