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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Horse behind the carriage
George Fuhrmann   2005-10-19 10:03
I downloaded some nice dual monitor wallpaper.
To my dismay, what happens is, the right portion on the wallpaper goes on the left monitor and vice versa breaking up the picture so it makes no sense.
Obviously all my other settings are as expected, and they work too.
I use XP Pro, have to Dells the 24" and the 17" running in differnt resolutions.
Thank for any ideas,

George O Fuhrmann
ECarlson   2005-10-22 15:48
Is your mouse moving properly between monitors? If not, then simply go into Display Properties, and properly align the monitor images. If so, then you might have to use a photo editor to split the image and reassemble it in the order you want.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Horse behind the carriage

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