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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> another multi monitor problem...
Hunter   2005-10-22 08:47
I just put together a system with an Asus SLI Motherboard and I installed 2 GeForce 7800 cards in the two PCIE slots, I would like to run a 3 monitor system through DVI but when I boot only 2 of them come on, The 3rd one (Attached to the second card) never comes on (Not even in Post) I tried switching the SLI selector card to single and Dual monitor mode but nothing seems to work, I also looked around in the Bios and I cant find anything that would seem to make it work,
Is this a BIOS problem or do I need to do some more Config in windows to make this monitor recieve a signal? Please heIp, Thanks

Seahorse   2005-10-22 08:55
As i understand it you can only have a maximum of 2 monitors under SLI, and they have only just fixed that issue...

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
Hunter   2005-10-22 09:36
What about if I have SLI turned off (Rotating the Selector card to "Single Video Card"? I tried that and It didnt seem to work...

Hunter   2005-10-22 09:40
On, One more thing, If it helps here are my Specs...
Asus P5ND2-SLI Deluxe Motherboard
Pentium D 3.0
2 EVGA e-Geforce 7800 GTs.
3 NEC Opticlear LCD 1770GX monitors

ECarlson   2005-10-22 15:55
Have you updated the motherboard BIOS yet? If not, do that before wasting time on anything else. A BIOS update should always be your first step before installing new hardware (and before installing an OS).

- Eric,
Hunter   2005-10-22 17:14
I got the 3rd Monitor to work but I had to do it under Windows Display properties and not the Nvidia Software... Sort of weird.. I wish it would work with Nvidias software but it seems to only work with 2 of the moinitors but not with all 3... Oh well maby they will fix this with the next driver... Problem solved... Sort of.
Thanks guys

MartinT   2005-11-20 00:14
Hello Hunter,
Are you able to display FS2004 over the 3 screens?
I want to build a same setup as you but Ihave to know first if all 3 screens can display a 3d video image (even if only in windowed mode)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> another multi monitor problem...

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