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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Failed To Set Systray Icon
na   2005-10-23 17:47
dont know why this happing to me now
have ati all in wonder 9800 pro + ati 9700

udateto new drivre for my video cards from ati use ati uninstall and update or reinsatll lated drives

and now ultramon is say this this on xp boot up
Failed To Set Systray Icon
in a litty popup bok you can only say ok two
and no icon for ultmon show in in my sys tray un less i click on a short cut i make and this only happ if ultrmon is select to out boot with ultramon on xp boot up

runing xp home service pack 2
dont know why this is happing now all i did way udate my ati drives and all try uninstalling and reinstall ultramon verion 2.6
Christian Studer   2005-10-24 08:29
Delaying UltraMon startup should fix this problem.

To do this, run regedit.exe, go to the key 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Realtime Soft\UltraMon', double-click on the AutoStartDelay value, select Decimal, then enter the number of seconds by which automatic startup should be delayed. I would try a value of 10-20 seconds.

Christian Studer -
monkeypox   2006-05-03 16:19
having the same problem, but changing the registry entry didn't seem to do anything. The value is being written and saved to the registry, but doesn't seem to be doing anything.
Christian Studer   2006-05-04 00:31
Please try with a longer delay, for example 40 seconds.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Failed To Set Systray Icon

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