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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 LG LCD to run from 1 machine with different presentations
john   2005-11-03 00:47
3 LG LCD to run from 1 machine with different presentations. distance to travel from machine to screens is about 15m, plus i dont think i can run separate power point presentations in this set up, so would require better software as well.

if someone can help, please email me.

Christian Studer   2005-11-03 08:58
You could run a different presentation on each monitor with PowerShow, this is a plugin for PowerPoint.

15m between computer and monitor shouldn't be a problem, I haven't done this myself though. Lots of vendors sell VGA extension cables, for example

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 LG LCD to run from 1 machine with different presentations

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