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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual display setup after reinstall of windows xp. A mess.
amy   2005-11-04 00:52
I have a Radeon 9200 by Gigabyte. I have two Dell monitors: a 17" VGA and a 15" DVI. Prior to reinstalling windows xp they were set up with the 17" as primary with an extended desktop to the 15". I now know I should have saved my settings but I thought it would be easy to get them back the way they were.

I'm not even sure I can adequately describe this. I can't seem to get the 17" recognized as the primary screen extending onto the 15". When I set the 17" as primary, all my too bars still reside on the 15" screen and my mouse cursor is stuck on the 17" screen. I can't move it from one to the other. I have the 15" unplugged now so I can have my mouse and toolbars all together.

I've tried selecting primary and secondary within the control panel and with the 30 day trial of ultramon. Is there some way to start all over and get these set up correctly. I would be extremely grateful for some advice.
amy   2005-11-05 07:10
I got it to work sort of. By using the DVI to VGA adapter and plugging in the DVI monitor as VGA, I could set it up. Why can't I get it to work with the smaller monitor set up as DVI?
ECarlson   2005-11-05 16:27
You should be able to get it working with DVI. Are you sure the mouse was stuck? Did you try moving the mouse off the oposite side of the screen to see if it shows up on the other monitor wneh you had it in the DVi configuration? If that works, then you need to go into Windows Display Properties, and drag and drop the monitors into the correct positions. Once that is correct, then you can drag and drop your toolbars and icons to whichever monitor you like.

- Eric,
amy   2005-11-15 14:32
The positioning was part of the problem I found. Once I got them positioned correctly in display properties the mouse moved as it should. I'm still having trouble with the DVI however but I think I'll tackle that another day.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual display setup after reinstall of windows xp. A mess.

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