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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Launch in Monitor 1-also launchs same in Monitor 2 FULL screen??
skcguy   2005-11-05 04:15
When launching any video application (Real Alternative, Media Player, WintTV, etc) in Monitor 1, it duplicates the video on Monitor 2 in full screen. Both monitors are CRT's. Video card is ATI Radeon 9600-using both VGA & DVI (connected with VGA-adapter). This is a new problem as it never used to do this-any ideas?

ECarlson   2005-11-05 16:23
Yes, there is a video card setting that allows that to happen. I don't know what the setting is, but it has been discussed here in the past.

- Eric,
aidan   2007-03-08 09:27
Yup, I had same problem and found this post. Had a look through nvidia settings and found "Full Screen Video" setting, changed it from 'auto-select' to 'disable'. All fixed.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Launch in Monitor 1-also launchs same in Monitor 2 FULL screen??

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