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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 Monitors and a TV with a single ATI card?
MasamuneXGP   2005-11-06 08:23
Hello all =)

I'm in the market for a second monitor. My current setup is one monitor, with a TV out hooked up mirroring it so I can watch anime/movies/etc on my TV. Since my current video card only has one monitor port, I'm going to have to buy another one anyway, but since my current card is rather crappy, I'd like to replace it instead of adding on a PCI video card. So my question is, is there such a video card out there that will support two monitors with one of them mirrored to the TV? All the ATI cards I've looked at seem to indicate that it's not possible...
zima   2005-11-08 04:02
Today's your lucky day, look at my post about latest Matrox product :P
zima   2005-11-08 04:16
Nevermind, ignore what I've said ;]
Tony   2005-11-08 10:49
I have done what you're looking to do and it's not too hard to get going. Currently I'm using a Radeon x800xl which has one dvi, one svga, and one vivo port.

(Considering you're getting an ATI video card):
First make sure you have the latest drivers from ATI.

You would then setup for dual displays using the ATI Catalyst drivers.

Next, make sure you check that 'Force TV' detection is enabled under the
'Display Options' settings.

Move back to the 'Displays Manager' settings and move the gray looking tv icon over to the second desktop area. Select 'Double Up' when the menu pops up.

After the TV comes on, you'll notice a new menu item for settings called 'TV Properties'. Open that and here you'll play with some settings for centering and gettng the most out of the tv display. I've found selecting 'Overscan' solves all my problems.

What is also helpful after you figure out how you want everything set up is to utilize the profile management part of the Catalyst software so you can bounce between different display settings. The only thing here is that when you reboot or shutdown, the 'Force TV' setting is forgotten and you'll need to set it again for the TV part to work.

All in all, it's possible.

I hope that helps.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 Monitors and a TV with a single ATI card?

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